Action Archive: Work Session 7/18/23

Agenda packets here

Attend in person at 6pm on Tuesday, 7/18/23, in Municipal Building Council Chambers (1000 Central Ave) or join on Zoom at this link:

This work session* has only three items, and they’re all important:

—LANL presentation on growth and mission support

—Update on performance of the road diet

—Long-range financial projections with various GRT scenarios.

Note that the proposed 1/2 cent GRT increase did not pass at the June meeting, so these financial projections and Council’s related conversation will likely be a good barometer for what to expect in the coming months for other possible GRT increases.

7/11/2023 tickler for future agenda items is here

*Work sessions are generally for information, presentations, updates, questions, discussions, and requesting future actions. In some cases, you will see on the agenda an item to “suspend the rules” to do business. This is a useful tool that allows them to tend to timely matters when necessary, but that is not on the agenda for this meeting.

WHAT THAT MEANS: no item on the agenda for Tuesday is available for action, so all public comment will be accepted at the beginning of the meeting. Be there in person or online right at 6 if you have something to add.


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