Action Archive: Minimum Wage Town Hall

Council promised a town hall on minimum wage, and they delivered! View the recorded meeting here. To weigh in, email or speak during initial public comment at any meeting when minimum wage is not on the agenda with possible action.


UPDATE: Town Hall set!

Los Alamos County Councilor Chair Denise Derkacs and members Melanee Hand and Randall Ryti will hold a town hall meeting 6 p.m. Monday, June 26 in Council Chambers to discuss potentially increasing the minimum wage within the county. Proud of the youth working group for moving the debate!

You can also join the town hall by Zoom at

Catch up by watching the original presentation by members of the Youth Working Group and preliminary Council discussion here (about 35 minutes in).


The presentation to Council on May 23 was excellent, and Councilors were receptive to moving forward on the issue! Thank you so much to the presenters for getting started.

Next steps: Council will hold a town hall —probably sometime in June—to get input from stakeholders. We’ll help publicize the date when available, but in the meantime feel free to reach out to Council with your input on an appropriate number ($15 was proposed with $4 for tipped workers), indexing or no indexing, an interesting issue Councilor Cull raised of when using a “teen minimum wage” is appropriate (47 minutes in here), and any other issues that speak to you.



Action Archive: Work Session 7/18/23


Action Archive: 20th St Survey