Hi Friends-
If you are receiving this email, you have been in contact with someone associated with the Los Alamos progressive movement before, but now we have consolidated our organizing efforts under a new group name: Los Alamos Sunshine Democrats. We are here to bring transparency to local government and advance progressive issues at the County level. We hope you will join us as we gear up for the 2022 election season.
We have a couple current issues we wanted to bring to your attention, including an action item for tomorrow and appointment for the Council vacancy later this week.
On Tuesday evening, March 29, Los Alamos County Council will consider changes to Council Rules and the format of public comment. If you have been paying attention to local politics, you may understand why this is coming to a head right now, but if not, we will include a summary at the end of this email with links. The concern is that this upcoming agenda item gives our longest standing Councilor an opportunity to once again bend Council rules to fit his agenda. With the resignation of recent Councilors, it's even more important that we advocate for increased transparency from County Government.
Specific language from the agenda packet for tomorrow is at the end of this email, but basically Chair Ryti's proposal maintains the current public comment process with one exception: it removes public comment from agenda items that will not have possible action at that meeting. You may or may not have an issue with this proposed change, but either way, Council needs to hear from you.
Our concern is that opening up this topic for debate and a potential rule change will allow certain Councilors (not Chair Ryti) to use Tuesday's agenda item as an opportunity to drastically change the rules so that it is harder for the public to weigh in and easier for whoever is Chair to curtail free speech on a case-by-case basis.
If you feel moved to weigh in, please email Council (countycouncil@lacnm.us) or join Tuesday's meeting via Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87475310555) with your perspective.
Some possible themes:
--"I appreciate that Chair Ryti has protected people's first amendment rights while serving as Chair"
--"I support Chair Ryti's proposal for structuring public comment" or
--"I support Chair Ryti's proposal but want the possibility of public comment for non-action items"
--"I support __________ [some other proposal]"
--"please don't curtail First Amendment rights or make it harder for people to engage in the process"
--"it is important to have robust public input throughout each meeting"
--"a transparent email comment process similar to the School Board's would be good for Council."
--anything that speaks to you as an individual.
This is one of those seemingly small things that can snowball into a hard-to-reverse roadblock to public involvement if we aren't careful. Chair Ryti's proposal may not be ideal, but comments of support for his efforts to protect free speech and democratic involvement would be useful positive reinforcement if it feels authentic to you.
OTHER ACTION ITEM: the final list of applicants to fill Sean Williams's seat on County Council will be available by Friday afternoon, but known progressive Aaron Walker has submitted a letter of interest. His appointment would give young, working families representation on Council--a viewpoint that is currently lacking. Find him on Facebook for more information. Letters of support can be sent to countycouncil@lacnm.us.
We are excited to take the next step in local activism by consolidating our efforts as Los Alamos Sunshine Democrats. There are other avenues to get involved, respond to this email if you would like to learn more. And of course, let us know if you don't want to hear from us again.
Your friends in Progress, the Los Alamos Sunshine Democrats
A broader, but unstated, context is Councilor Izraelevitz's unsuccessful attempt to become Council Chair at the January 4, 2022 meeting (available here, his speech on why and how he would use the power of the Chair to curtail public comment begins at about 10:00).
The more recent context is an exchange between Antonio Maggiore and Councilor Izraelevitz at the Feb 22, 2022 meeting during a discussion of the Code Enforcement Survey (meeting here, Antonio's comment begins around 3:18:30. WARNING the words "bitch ass" are uttered, which caused some people to clutch pearls or seek smelling salts).
A Los Alamos League of Women Voters LTE from March 2 (link here) appeared to some viewers of Council to target Antonio Maggiore on behalf of David Izraelevitz. There were a number of critical Facebook comments and a couple of great follow up LTEs (Brandi Engeman's 3/11/22 letter here, Grant Harding's 3/15/22 letter here). The Los Alamos LWV plans to publish another letter on March 28 addressing some but not all concerns.
As a matter of practice, regular Council meetings have an item for public comment for items not on the agenda at the beginning of the meeting and another opportunity for public comment on any subject to the end of the meeting. There is public comment for items on the consent agenda and comments invited for every agenda item (whether a motion will be considered or not).
Chair Randall Ryti recommends that Council consider the following practices. First, invite comments on any subject at the beginning of the meeting. Comments are limited to 3 minutes unless announced for a shorter time by the Chair. Second, establish a method to collect written comments on agenda items. The Los Alamos Public School Board does this via email and other bodies collect comments via a web portal. Third, invite public comments on any business item. Meaning any item with possible action being considered. Fourth, invite public comments on any subject at the end of the meeting.
Hello progressives!
Success at Tuesday's meeting; thanks to everyone who reached out to Council in support of continuing robust public comment!
Next up: ACTION NEEDED regarding the appointment to fill Sean Williams's vacancy.
Bottom line: The letters of interest will be available by Friday afternoon, and the vacancy will be filled at next Tuesday's meeting. We need everyone to send emails to Council (countycouncil@lacnm.us) and/or Letters to the Editor (send to maire@losalamosreporter.com and caclark@ladailypost.com) to support your preferred candidate.
As said in the last email, known progressive Aaron Walker has submitted a letter of interest and has been endorsed by former Councilor James Robinson and a growing number of community members of diverse political persuasions. He would give young people and working families a voice, providing a much-needed perspective in our county government. He served on the Community Development Advisory Board for three years, including a term as Chair, and closely follows Council meetings and county business.
With budget hearings starting in just a few weeks, there is a strong argument for appointing someone who will advocate for progressive values AND is familiar with the process, the departments, the ongoing debates, and the big-picture stakes. Find Aaron on Facebook for details or to ask questions. You can also search losalamosreporter.com for his letters to the editor explaining his positions on a variety of issues.
The four applicants are: Aaron Walker, Democrat, age 37, details above; James (Jim) Hall, DTS, age 79, who changed his registration from Republican to Decline to State (DTS / no affiliation) last month and ran as a Republican against SGR in 2012; Gene Nixon, Republican, age 42; and Keith Lepsch, Democrat, age 52, who applied for James Robinson's seat in January and indicated he does not have experience with county boards or public service but is enthusiastic to learn.
You can watch the appointment process for James Robinson's seat, including Aaron Walker and Keith Lepsch as applicants here. Opening statements start around 1:41:00.
Again, the letters of interest will be available by Friday afternoon, and the vacancy will be filled at next Tuesday's meeting. Emails to Council (countycouncil@lacnm.us) and/or Letters to the Editor (send to maire@losalamosreporter.com and caclark@ladailypost.com) are essential.
When Council appointed Melanee Hand to complete James Robinson's term, several of them cited the number of emails they received from the public supporting Melanee. Let's see if that same logic holds up when the emails support someone who will advocate for progressive values, rather than yet another centrist.
Your friends in Progress,
Los Alamos Sunshine Democrats
Los Alamos Progressives,
We have a limited timeframe to let Council hear our voices regarding the appointment to fill Sean Williams' seat.
Reminder: This appointment goes from this Tuesday night through Dec 31, 2024.
Some councilors said they relied on how many emails of support they received for each candidate to justify their last appointment. We need to get our emails supporting the applicant of our choice to Council in time for them to tally the public input before their decision at the beginning of the meeting on Tuesday. We recommend hitting send no later than noon on Tuesday, April 5.
The previous call to action email, sent on Mar 31, 2022, included talking points for known progressive Aaron Walker and information on the other applicants. Feel free to use or adapt any language from those talking points.
LTEs will also help build momentum and put pressure on Councilors in their decision. Send to maire@losalamosreporter.com and caclark@ladailypost.com.
Please make your voice heard by emailing countycouncil@lacnm.us with your preference for this appointment. Additionally, you can also join the Zoom on Tuesday night at 6pm to make public comment: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83950608884
Your friends in progress,
Los Alamos Sunshine Democrats
Do you ever feel like you find out about a County Council item at the last minute and that engaged citizens are scrambling to respond? The Open Meetings Act (OMA) requires agendas and accompanying materials to be published online at least 72 hours before a meeting. Because Council holds itself to the bare minimum of the OMA, we get information on Friday before a Tuesday Council meeting.
This coming Tuesday (March 14), Council will discuss possible changes to Council operations and outreach in item 6E (17077-23), creating an opportunity to give the public--and Councilors--an extra business day to review materials and be better prepared to engage at the meeting.
If you think an extra day might help you participate in your local government, join us in asking Council to change the minimum time to publish agendas and agenda packets online from at least 72 hours before a meeting to at least 96 hours. You can email countycouncil@lacnm.us and/or join the meeting in person at the Fire Station in White Rock or via Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82683176848) at 6pm on Tuesday, March 14 to provide public comment.
Adding 24 hours to the minimum notice requires a change in schedule for staff and provides a potentially seismic shift in access for the public. We're struggling to think of a reason to vote against this one!
Your friends in progress,
Los Alamos Sunshine Democrats
Book banning has come to Los Alamos.
We have two action items this weekend. The first regards a petition to ban a book in the public library and the second is about recommendations for parkings and building height requirements. Both are extremely important to the character of our community and require the public to make their voices and their values heard.
Book banning: Email the Library Board and/or make public comment Monday, April 3 at 5:30 PM
On Monday, the Library Board must decide if a book should be removed from circulation. There is space on the agenda for public comment. If you'd like to attend you can do so in person: 1000 Central Avenue, Suite 110 or via Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89828851828
A Los Alamos resident is petitioning to have a book removed from the library catalogue. This book is an age-appropriate children's book that discusses gender identity and presentation. You can find full documentation of this request, including the fact that the petitioner did not even read the book in its entirety (see screenshot below), on the county's website on the agenda for the meeting.
You can email the library board (LB@lacnm.us) and library director (gwen.kalavaza@lacnm.us) ahead of the next Library Board meeting on Monday to voice support the library's diversity and inclusion efforts, and express your opposition to this petition
Parking and Building Height Requirements: Encourage Council to adopt Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) recommendations
To comment at the meeting on Tuesday, April 4, we need to be there at the very beginning--right at 6pm--to speak during public comment for items that do not require Council action. Email countycouncil@lacnm.us, attend in person at Council Chambers (1000 Central Ave.), or join by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82683176848.
On March 8, P&Z made recommendations to the County Council to revise parking and building height requirements of the Chapter 16 Development Code. There will be minimal or no impact to viewsheds or recreation, but this will massively improve builders' ability to add additional residential and commercial buildings in Los Alamos and White Rock. These areas currently devote a shocking 30% of their developable land to parking.
Every inch of parking they mandate, every inch of building height they take away, they are subtracting from buildable housing potential in a town that has no room to spare. All of our plans (Master Plan, Comp Plan, Housing Study) say this, but still Council needs to be reminded. If even three people write emails (or show up!), it could make a difference. Let's make it 20.
These ordinances will be introduced at the Council meeting on Tuesday, April 4 and voted on in May. Emailing and commenting now will ensure Council can consider your perspective ahead of the public hearing.
The opportunity to comment at the beginning of the meeting will come and go in a flash if no one is there. If you miss it, the next chance to speak on this issue will be at the end of the meeting which is often 10pm or later.
You can also send an email to countycouncil@lacnm.us to express your support for these measures and explain why. Previous responses indicate that not all members are convinced of the P&Z recommendations, and some are prioritizing aesthetic interests over the county's desperate need for more housing. They need to hear from more constituents that commercial and residential real estate are the priority.
6pm, Tuesday, April 4, 2023. Council Chambers - 1000 Central Ave.
Or Telephone: +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099
Thanks to other local organizers for permission to use/adapt their language on these issues so we don't all reinvent the wheel.
If you are receiving this through a forward and would like to be added to our list, please email losalamosprogress@gmail.com for future information on local action items and upcoming issues.
Your friends in progress,
Los Alamos Sunshine Democrats
Friends and allies,
Los Alamos County budget hearings continue Monday and Tuesday at 6pm, in person at the Municipal Building (1000 Central Ave.) and online via Zoom. Please note that public comment is accepted ONLY at the beginning of the meetings.
Local advocate for progressive development policy, Stephanie Nakhleh, continues #killingit with Op-Eds on housing and parking. Council will make decisions in early May regarding recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission, so now is a fantastic time to get caught up.
Click here to read the two most recent articles:
Fear Of Heights: We Need True Pro-Housing, Anti-Blight Leadership
‘Devoted To Parking’: Policies That Hurt Our Town
and see below for a list of previous Op-Eds.
We're gearing up for a year of working hard to advance progressive policies at the County level. What local issues interest you? What are you curious about? What should we be looking into? What do you want to advocate for?
Change is inevitable--the question is whether it will move us toward or away from a more inclusive and equitable Los Alamos. Stay involved, at whatever level you are able.
Your friends in progress,
Los Alamos Sunshine Democrats
Links to previous articles on housing:
“Higher Density Housing Is Water-Wise” 10/22/22
“End Expensive Mandated Parking” 10/25/2022
“Mythbusting The Accessory Dwelling Unit” 10/25/22
“‘It’s Housing Driven’: LANL, Hiring And Local Housing” 12/19/22
“‘We Have To Be Okay Changing’: The Realtor Perspective On Housing” 2/2/22
“‘I’d Like To Stay’: What The Rental Situation Is Like For Young People” 2/27/23
Friends and allies,
On Tuesday, May 2, Council will vote whether or not to accept recommendations from the Planning & Zoning Commission to decrease parking requirements and increase building height downtown—both essential pieces of the puzzle to make housing and revitalization possible in our downtown.
This could easily come down to a 4-3 vote; Council needs to hear from you as they decide whether to support growth, improved retail opportunities, and the housing we know is desperately needed.
To make your voice heard, email countycouncil@lacnm.us and/or attend Tuesday’s meeting in person at the Municipal Building (1000 Central ave) or via zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82683176848
If you’re on the fence, please read some of the linked articles by local advocate for progressive development policy and P&Z Commissioner Stephanie Nakhleh.
Transparency and accountability are two sides of the same coin, and there can be no accountability without public involvement. There are people currently speaking against these policies; if they do not speak for you, please email Council to speak for yourself.
Many Councilors asked for our votes by saying they would support policies that lead to increased housing and downtown revitalization. That support must not be hypothetical--now is the time to put their support into action by voting to accept the ordinances on parking and building height as presented.
Your friends in progress,
Los Alamos Sunshine Democrats
Friends and allies,
You have probably seen that a book reading by the author will be held Saturday at 3:30pm at Mesa Public Library. L’il Miss Hot Mess herself will read If You’re A Drag Queen and You Know It; it’s a big deal to have a nationally known author at our small town library, so this is a very cool event to attend.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of ignorance and misinformation circulating about Drag, so there’s reason to believe there could be protestors or worse. We encourage people to show up to show support and if necessary block protesters from disrupting Story Time. Info on the event:
Parking Requirements
In upcoming news, we expect the parking requirements to actually come to a vote before Council on June 6. While Councilors have stated support for the ordinance, things can change, so it's good to remind them of your position.
Public Comment
We've heard a lot of feedback that people were frustrated and angry with how public comment went down at the May 2nd meeting. There is room to advocate for changes to the process, but someone needs to take the lead. We have resources including a draft step-by-step action plan, so please reach out if you would like to work on that issue.
Additionally, it has been over a year since Council instructed staff to implement a public comment system modeled off the School Board's email process. This wasn't an idea floated--it was an instruction from Council on March 29, 2022, but no progress has been made:
“A motion was made by Councilor Scott, seconded by Councilor Izraelevitz, that Council requests the County Manager develop an additional mechanism to collect written public comment on agenda topics and have it associated with the item for Council on public review” (click the link for the Minutes here)
If this is something you'd like to see implemented, this is a great time to let Council know (countycouncil@lacnm.us) along with a comment on the next item if you feel so moved.
Agenda Notifications
We are coming up on three months since Council was asked to commit to releasing the agenda packets on Thursday instead of Friday. If having earlier access to the Council agendas would help you to be a better informed participant in your own governance, please email countycouncil@lacnm.us to let them know that you are still thinking about this issue and want them to commit to greater access.
Utilities Assistance
Finally, we expect the Board of Public Utilities to discuss (but probably not vote on) possible changes to the Utilities Assistance Program at the June 7 Work Session. Cat recently proposed several improvements to the program and will be there to advocate. BPU and DPU have been very responsive and proactive after receiving suggestions, so we are optimistic some improvements will be implemented, but a vote is unlikely at the June 7 meeting.* Email Cat (cozment@gmail.com) if you’d like a copy of her proposals and/or join the meeting on June 7. We do not recommend public pressure at this time, but will send out a call for action if that changes.
If there's a local issue you think should be on our radar, please reach out. It takes a village to keep eyes on all the moving parts.
Your friends in progress,
Los Alamos Sunshine Democrats
*A Work Session usually does not have business up for a vote. The rules can be suspended to allow votes for specific items -- Council does so not infrequently -- but it seems unlikely for that to happen on June 7. They have been extremely responsive so far, so there's no need to push hard for action at this time.
Here you’ll find previous organizing emails from major policy efforts and local issues. Email losalamosprogress@gmail.com with questions!