A New Hope
Los Alamos Progress — a new progressive PAC — is committed to creating a brighter future for our community through advocacy, collaboration, and meaningful action. Together, we embark on a journey of hope, unity, and transformative change, empowering voices that have been unheard and championing progressive values that will shape our shared future.
It’s critical to champion principles of fairness and equality in local politics. Embracing progressive values becomes a beacon of hope, guiding us toward a more equitable and inclusive community. Just as blue tarps can shield and protect us from the storm, progressive values serve as a shelter for the marginalized, offering a safety net that uplifts communities and ensures everyone's well-being.
There are those in our community who have lost touch with the true essence of progressivism. Instead of championing policies that uplift the most vulnerable, they prioritize exclusivity over inclusivity, gatekeep involvement with local politics, and engage in empty gestures of virtue signaling. They dismiss the voices of the youth and disregard the power of grassroots efforts, lacking the willingness to put in the hard work required to forge a path towards a genuinely equitable future.
Los Alamos Progress is dedicated to amplifying voices of change and breathing new life into politics in Los Alamos County. With a firm commitment to inclusivity, justice, and community empowerment, we offer a beacon of hope for a future where our shared values are uplifted and realized. Los Alamos Progress strives to create a political landscape where every voice is heard and every perspective is valued, fostering a community where diverse ideas and experiences come together to shape a better future for all.