Action Archive: Council 6/27/23
Highlights ahead of the County Council meeting on Tuesday, 6/27. Agenda packets here.
—Sale of real property to Pet Pangea
—Public Hearings and possible (probable) action on GRT increases
—Review and possible (probable) approval of B&C Work Plans.*
—Possible (probable) raises for County Manager, Utility Manager, and County Attorney
Attend in person at 6pm in the Municipal Building Council Chambers or join via Zoom
*For those unfamiliar, each Board and Commission presents an annual work plan to Council. It includes significant accomplishments from the previous year and upcoming projects/goals, some initiated by the board and some instructed from Council. These work plans go to a committee—a subquorum of Councilors—for review and recommendation. When Council accepts or approves a work plan, they have given a stamp of approval for the goals, tasks, and priorities for the coming year. This year the review committee consists of Councilors Cull, Havemann, and Reagor.